Cheers to Me-Time
with your Lenovo Tablets

Long day done? Hello me-time! This is the After Work Club.
where you can hangout, chill, or show off your many skills.
It's your space, to do your thing, and we get you in.

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Man sitting on couch with a bowl of pop-corn, watching video on his Lenovo Yoga Tablet. A neon sign behind him read “After Work Club”.

Plunge deep into the heart of the story

Rekindle that cinema magic and connect deeper with the story in your own private hangout—on your own personal schedule. Watch all your shows and movies as they were meant to be seen with up to OLED 2K+ displays, remarkable color palettes, and high brightness.

Woman on an outdoor patio, dancing and singing along to music playing on her Lenovo tablet. After Work Club neon sign is lit behind her.

Step inside an amazing audio experience

Let the busy day fade into the immersive surround-sound of your Dolby Atmos® Speaker System. Four powerful speakers take you inside the cinema or the concert hall, delivering every sound of the scene or song with flawless clarity and depth.

Woman relaxing in her After Work Club on a sofa set, wave hello to online friends on her Lenovo tablet

Virtual happy hour? Binge session?

Raise a glass to after-hours time with distant family and friends. Or to losing yourself in your favorite shows and movies. With up to 12 hours of video-watching time, Lenovo tablets indulge your guilty pleasures on a single charge.

Woman relaxing on her outdoor couch, enjoying viewing content on her Lenovo Tablet.

Rest, de-stress, & look your best

Even when you’re just chilling, stylish Lenovo tablets turn heads. These precision-designed, slim and light devices are crafted with the highest quality materials. They look good. You look even better.

Find your Lenovo tablet

Placeholder for Splitter content

We also offer a wide range of Chrome OS and Windows tablets.